Thursday, September 17, 2009


Left 2 weeks before my holidays come to a halt.
Yet I am still doing some meaningless chores for the family.
Bet this would be the perfect solution to me for the moment.
In the process of forgetting invaluable events and even people in my life.
It is so tough.
But I am going through it.
Anyway just some shit grievance that not worth to mention.

Mum goes to Taiwan for 6 days 5 nights.
Bon Voyage.
Have a safe and enjoyable trip.
Dont forget my souveniers this time okay?
You dont have to worry much about your kitchen.
I will take good care of it.
Taking over your position temporarily.

Cooked dinner for dad and brothers just now.
Really sweat.
I guess not a total failure when dad told me it was nice and simple.
Credits should be given to my elder brother as well.
A good chef's assistance.
Took me 2 hours to complete the dinner.
A satisfied dinner.

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